Saturday 5 April 2014

Online Journalism

Online journalism has been a platform that always garner a lot of attention. It is probably because of the perspective it brings. Most of the time, many would disagree with the post that was being put up and question it's ethics. It is a way for one to voice out their opinion with that wall of protection; the internet. 

To me, it brings out the honest opinion, the meanest and the judgemental side of a person. Many posts are about actions that the public would disagree with. For example, these post on Stomp by members of the public. Often they aim with the NS men. 


And nowadays, people are angry that this group of people are often targeted for all the wrong reasons. They get secretly captured on film or photograph then posted online for things that people could just go up and tell them. 

This brings the question, "People are given the freedom of speech even on the internet, but are people behaving responsibly with this freedom? Are we safe from this?" Everyone can be a victim of this because posting things online is so easy and also without the victim knowing. The world is becoming more vicious because of this. Everyone turning each other against each other. 

At the end of the day, we must remember "they are humans too".

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