Saturday 19 April 2014

Future of internet

The future technology always boasts of all the cool stuff like having touch screen mirrors to having everything remote control operated. All these benefits are in the end going to benefit those who can afford. Just like now internet is only available to those who can pay. One thing that my lecturer did not go through in his slides is the benefits future internet can bring for the whole world as a community.

This is my dream internet.

  • More people can access internet. It will no longer be limited to those lighted in the picture below. But there will be a higher density of populations using it. This would mean that education can reach more places and also information can be passed to even remote places.
  • People using it for the correct purposes. Although this seems seemingly impossible, I do hope for a decrease of this and an increase in corrective measures. I mentioned this in my earlier blog post about cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is difficult to handle because the internet connects everyone and the perpetrators are international. It's a start that Singapore has implemented the Cyber harassment law which helps a part of cyber bullying. I hope the future internet has a strong hold on this crime.
  • Identity theft would be harder to commit and have harsher laws. Again very hard to be true, but identity theft is as bad as defamation. 

  • Internet of things.

This will make life SO MUCH EASIER. 
Electronics and technology will revolve around our movement and needs. Auto switching off and on things. Telling us what we need to know. Just everything catered to our needs.

Read this! Interesting read by Forbes.

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