Saturday 29 March 2014

keeping up with times, connecting

Social media give a whole new meaning to connecting to the masses. With one click on the status button, you instantly connected to your followers or the masses. This holds a very significant way of reaching the masses. In addition, almost all are on at least one social media sites. 

Just to mention some cool dudes that are use social media

on Facebook ...

our Prime Minister has Facebook which allows connecting to Singaporeans on a more personal level... and he's just like us he posts things that what you and I would post! a random owl! who gets that in their office? way cool! oh and he takes selfies with people too! 

.... and Twitter
Presiden Obama has a Twitter account which is managed by his team and himself (his tweets are signed of OB). Though it is not really personal, but it is more of what his visions or what he wants to do for the country. It's good because it reinforces, encourages and also shows what he wants to do. And also there's updates. I'm sure you have heard about the Oscar selfie and Ellen beating him in the number of retweets.. 

     here's his post...
and here's Ellen's!

watch the video to hear his comments about it! gosh, always love his witty replies! it's witty and packed with humour! witty humour!

Using social media to connect to the citizens, makes everything more personal. Nowadays, there's Facebook pages for everything including initiatives or groups that are government related or also citizen related. With this platforms, it is easy for citizen to view and be updated with the happenings because of the constant update posts and also photos!


Here's a video from PM Lee sharing his experience on Social Media!

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