Saturday 19 April 2014


Google has provided it's users with many tools such gmail, google maps and google adsense. But for social and application store, it is not really popular.

Google has site called GooglePlus which works as a social networking site. But it is not as popular as other social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Google also owns blogspot (the domain I'm using for this blog). It has many users and some users actually earn from blogging. Google has it's own application store: play store. It is available on Android phones. It uses your existing Google account. It's amazing how your Google account for various things including as a backup!

Apple focuses on products and programs. It has products such as MacBook, iPod, iPhone, iPad and iTouch. It's design focuses on being sleek and clean. Like it's design, it's pretty much easy to use as it is non-customisable on most things such as themes. Having iTunes, it can backup all your information. The downside is if you are unfamiliar with iTunes it maybe a hassle to transfer everything. Also, their system requires Mac exclusive softwares.

Though they have basic applications to help users with communication, work and entertainment. Some engage third party users. For example, you need an email host like gmail to the Mail or you need an email and credit card to have an iTunes account. They also do not have any social media application. Like some people would say it, there's an App for it.

They are always trying to create something new. For example, the upgrade of the iPad air and iPad with Retina displays.

But with completing competitors always upgrading and creating something Apple does not have, Apple's hype might die out and someone may "eat" Apple.

For now I am team Apple until some others are able to convince me to jump wagon! Personally, it's the simplistic theme of Apple is what I love. But on a less biased note, Apple have many avenues they can venture on. 

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