Friday 14 March 2014


Last week my group and I presented on Cyber Crimes and I touched on Cyber Bullying. While researching on it, it just hit me how much real this is. Okay, maybe we may not experience the full brunt of it but we definitely may have heard or scroll past a post on tumblr about it.

Worst part?
THERE IS NOTHING MUCH THE AUTHORITIES CAN DO ABOUT IT UNTIL NOW. Yes, now, recently, a week ago, that the Singapore Government came up with a law (Harassment Law please notice the part that it is CYBER HARASSING) to deal with parts of cyber bullying.

But question is how much people (mainly teens and tweens) are educated about this? Moreover, about cyber-bullying itself. Or will there be a specific law to cater to this. Though there will be factors like "it may be just a phase for the perpetrator" or "the cyber bullies are spread across the world how are you going to act on it".

As cyber bullying has become a huge part of society, some filmmakers decided to make a film about it starring Emily Osment from Hannah Montana. Its called Cyber bullying and shows the emotions and consequences of Cyber Bullying. ** BRING OUT THE TISSUES PLEASE**
When a victim reads about the messages about him/her, definitely they would feel something negative. Therefore, killing their self-esteem/confidence and subsequently, making them abstain from any forms of social media and slowly withdraw socially. Because of their emotions, they may act with aggression and be moody. With all this distracting them, it affects them academically in school or how they behave in school. This picture below are the signs of a victim.

In some cases, cyber bullying takes on lives. Amanda Todd is one such example. She had several suicide attempts which failed and people further taunted her.
Later on, she created a video with flashcards telling her story which shortly after she took on her life.
Watch here to know her story.
But her parents took it well and created a website to create awareness
about this pressing issue.

To those who are facing this issue here's a song dedicated to you.

I used reblog a lot of post on Tumblr... and this is one I came across years ago...
Read more about this girl here and her video here.

IF you know someone or is now faced with cyber bulling, please take action. You should
Stop- do not attempt to do anything. It is important to have a clear mind before you act.

Block- restrict or block communications with the cyberbully.

Keep- Keep evidence

Tell- inform someone. what would you do?



  1. Hi! I like your post - the font you use is good, and the way you write is good. If you are interested in cyberbullying, then maybe research the story of Hannah Smith in the UK - - or the incredible story of Megan Meier. It's all very weird. Also note that the Amanda Todd story is - let's just say - full of inconsistencies.

    1. Hi there, thank you so much for taking time to read and also the examples! I shall go read about them (:
