Saturday 22 February 2014

As an average person, we are involved in two types of E-Commerce. 
  • B2C (Business to Consumer)

In Business to Consumer, Businesses interacts with people by selling products online. People just click to add into their shopping cart and another click for payment. Usually payment is through Paypal. One of the earliest user is Amazon.

Nowadays, many businesses expand to this type of business. One good example is online supermarkets to meet the needs of busy people. Also locally, young entrepreneurs also use this to set up businesses like online blogshops.
(p/s: I know <<< this is a little tinsy windy bit small to read. Click on the picture to read the cool facts!)

  • C2C (Consumer to Consumer)

C2C gives DIY people a chance to sell their products. In etsy, people have the chance to sell the things that are handmade or custom ordered.

Either way, you need to get people to know about your products! These are the steps that are usually practiced. Miss either steps, all your efforts may be wasted. 

With technology being so advanced, it becomes part of our daily lives as it is integrated into our smart phones. 

Personally, as a consumer most of the time, I do a lot of shopping. And with them being so accessible on the mobile phone, I am frequently purchasing something. E-Commerce is something I would say a lot of businesses or now even people who do something as a hobby and sells it off can benefit from. 
I like to see it as though it can be detrimental to our pockets sometimes it is helping the economy.

Saturday 15 February 2014


Some may have heard of DAYRE. 

It's popular with bloggers like XIAXUE


DAYRE is a hybrid of Instagram and any blogging site. And no it is not pronounced as's  DAIRY. Having the layout like Instagram where you filter/post your photo and have comments below. Also, you can have the option of following people. 
It is a mixture of FACEBOOK, TWITTER, FOURSQUARE and INSTAGRAM where you can check in, add stickers, post pictures and blog all in one.

It is blogging in bit size. This easily appeals to those who like blogging short posts or don't have a lot of time. Catch? There's a word limit for both photo post and blog posts. On the other end, some may find the word limit a hassle as they may go over it sometimes. It's that same irritating feeling you get when you go over the word limit on Twitter. 

This is built specially for blogging on you also can blog it from your smartphones! It is available on iOS and Google Play!

Like many blogs you would like to personalise it and make it unique, for Dayre, you can make your URL unique and edit your cover picture. 

To date, Dayre is popular in Singapore, Malaysia and also the UK. I have not tried Dayre but have heard that it is similar to Tumblr where you post a picture and write a post. So I think those who have Tumblr can find it easy to use. But there's also a step by step guide so that it makes it a user-friendly.

There's much improvements Dayre can make but for now, it holds as an application that is easy blogging on the go!

Personally, with this, it will take away those moments where you sit down have a nice cup of coffee and pen/type your thoughts out. That peaceful moments when you reflect on things. And make blogging quick and less in dept... 

signing off to reblog more pictures of food on tumblr!

Saturday 8 February 2014


Social media is one of the coolest things. It brings you and connects you to people you know and don't know. Unknowingly, you are part of community without being physical present all the times. 
Nowadays people use social media for business purposes. 

They use blogs at platform to set up online shops which are commonly known as BLOGSHOPS. Most are very advance with how their customers can make their purchases. iBanking and adding items into online carts are some examples. 

Aside from this platform, there's also Instagram.
Many people scroll through Instagram everyday. So as long you follow that shop you would get to see their updates (shop post) as you scroll through. It holds an effective way of communicating as everyone can see the comments and ask or know more details.

The latest would be an application that is available on Android and iTunes: Carousell.

All these give rise to young entrepreneurs. Though many may seem like teenagers who want to earn easy profits by selling small items, there are those who are serious and grow their business from blogs. 

One definite plus point is that people around the world can access and buy it. That is, if they provide shipping to wherever you are! 

Aside from this, social media also gives people opportunities to post reviews and have people easily access these reviews. Just google a certain product, there would be some bloggers that would either do a wordy review or video review. Sometimes these reviews make me wonder whether this product is genuinely good or if the reviewer is just very good in convincing. 

Through the various social media platforms, people able to play the seller and buyer roles. And therefore, played a big role in helping with many businesses. Also, it helped shoppers with their shopping experience.

This adds to my list of why I cannot live without the internet!

Okay this sums up how social media affects my shopping lifestyle and I'm off to Chingay (wish me luck!)


Thursday 6 February 2014


Recently, I learnt about the internet. 

Yes, by now we all should know about the internet and how to use it. This almost summarises how important INTERNET is to us. But how much do we know about it? Like real facts?

The one that got me interested was the IP address and how it works. 

Have you watched a crime show drama series (like CSI/NCIS) and wonder how this IP address thing that help these people check the culprits work? 



OKAY. Let me teach you IP ADDRESS 101! 

  • What it stands for?? Internet Protocol address
  • IP addresses have different versions: IPv4 and IPv6
  • IPv4 uses 32 binary bits whereas IPv6 uses 128 binary bits. 
  • IP addresses can expire, that means your computer changes IP address when the leases ends!
  • They also have classes: A, B, C, D, E. It has different octet range (binaries) and subnets.
  • It works like a cellphone number. It has unique combination which helps to communicate with other devices like printers, computers and routers.
p/s: this also means clever internet geeks who has a crush on you can easily stalk you. 

xoxo signing out